Important information!
At a first glance and use the value of the GlasSolator is questioned from time to time. You should therefore be clear on following issues before taking a look at the GlasSolator.
Facade glass is next to other requirements naturally subject to mainly strong energetic exigencies.These are declared by two characteristics: the Ug-value, which defines the heat conductivity of glass and the g-value, which determines the solar radiation and thus the energy input through the glass. The g-value stands therefore for the total energy permebality degree.
Whereas known out- and inside temperatures allow explicit calculations with the Ug-value, this is not possible with the g-value as the usual indication in percent does not allow to draw conclusions from real energy flows. This is only possible in case the 100 % would be defined for the percent indication – however this is not always the case and changes permanently, from day to day, depending on the cardinal point and from region to region. The 100 % represent nothing else but the solar intensity which reaches the earth at a certain place and at a certain time. If this parameter would be clear, one could define an approximately realistic energy value for the g-value which characterizes the glass product and which leads together with the Ug-value to calculable energy characteristics of a certain glass.
And that’s why we have now the GlasSolator!
When advising on glass – especially in the solar protection area – these factors can be used to calculate the dimensioning of 2 different glasses with varying g-value-percent indications. Your advice will thus be considerably more concrete and understandable as it will become obvious that also marginal, percentaged g-value-differences may lead through the glass life time to important economical consequences.